Click on a character’s name to find out more about them!


Our hero. Chester hums out of  tune, collects handy objects, thinks before he leaps, loves breakfast cereal, and crunchy butterscotch morsels. His journey from young rodent to military officer is a magical tale of determination, unexpected challenges, and overcoming adversity.

Chester’s nestmates and best friends:

Dilly travels to Bancroft Hall in a packing crate from the west coast, hoping for admission.  He is an honorable mouse, a loyal friend, possesses a lovely singing voice plus a little dry humor for sticky situations.

A broad shouldered, prior-enlisted adventurer with a wide-angle grin to match, Ranger arrives on Induction night in the side bag of a motorcycle. His font of knowledge, and his massive stockpile of sweets keep Chester and Dilly supplied for the challenges.

Their Squad mates:

His fur is white but he’ll tell you it’s “silver”.  Hailing from the big city, he’s an annoying snob with some lessons to learn.

What the black-spectacled, good natured exchange-rodent from Europe doesn’t understand, he makes up for in effort.  His limited understanding of the “American Mouse” language makes training doubly hard.

Brown Bob
All the plebe mice admire the tough, confident, competent, glossy-coated younger brother of successful graduates: Beau Bob and Gray Bob. He expects to succeed too…

Ella is a good friend, encourager to all, and a powerful competitor. Though a tiny harvest mouse who barely  meets the size requirement, Ella out-jumps every plebe mouse during the first physical readiness test. And she’s not done proving herself yet.

His dove gray fur matches his quiet, efficient, yet inscrutable nature. Named after his very famous great-great grandfather, JP is a growing, respected leader.

Bodie is a huge, hungry, comical character with barnyard manners. He may stumble over protocol, but never on the football field.

Appears in book two. The exuberant, Latin-speaking, civilian field mouse journeys to the Naval Mouse Academy hoping to gain acceptance. His unschooled frisky behavior soon pulls Chester into a vortex of trouble.


Chester’s Adversaries:

Chester’s nemesis Mr. Spleen is an arrogant, short-tempered upperclassmouse. The drab-pelted detailer — one responsible for training the new plebe mice— doesn’t believe Chester has what it takes to become a Midshipmouse, and makes it  abundantly clear.  

Rattus rattus appears in book two. The evil, foul-smelling, black ship rat invades the Yard bent on wreaking havoc among the noble midshipmice of Bancroft Hall.